Cemeteries under pressure because of the number of Muslim graves which must...
CEMETERIES are struggling to cope with the deaths of an increasing number Muslim whose graves must face Mecca.Henley Road Cemetery, Reading, is facing a grave crisisIslamic burial customs are...
View ArticleLee Rigby killer Michael Adebolajo sues prison service after his teeth were...
Michael Adebolajo lashed out at officers at Belmarsh Prison in 2013His head 'hit a window but he refused medical attention after incident'Five officers suspended on full pay during six-week police...
View ArticleUniversity's Islamic society president resigns after tweet saying...
Muhammed Patel has left society at Goldsmiths, University of LondonTweets on 'fag lovers' and 'stupid' gay pride marches found on profile Allegedly flagged up by LGBT Society members after row over...
View Articlegirls in Rotherham were ‘taken from care homes and repeatedly raped by groups...
Seven defendants accused of playing role in sexual exploitation of childrenThe five men and two women face 63 charges involving 12 alleged victimsArshid Hussain, 40, known as Mad Ash, alleged to have...
View ArticleUK is ignoring its 'massive Muslim problem': Donald Trump accuses British...
Tycoon says UK MPs 'should be thanking me' over Muslim commentsHe tweeted: 'The UK is trying hard to disguise their massive Muslim problem. Everybody is wise to what is happening, very sad! Be...
View ArticleAs the petition to ban Donald Trump reaches 400,000, here's who has been let...
THE petition to ban Donald Trump from Britain comes despite violent Islamic extremists being allowed to peddle their hate-filled mantras here for many years.PHClockwise from bottom left: Zakir Naik,...
View Article‘Trump is right!’ Police say parts of Britain ARE no-go areas due to ISIS...
BRITISH police officers have sensationally backed Donald Trump’s controversial claim that parts of the country are no-go areas because of growing Islamist extremism.GETTYServing police officers have...
View ArticleJeremy Corbyn helped secure bail for conman stealing £1million from elderly...
JEREMY Corbyn sent an extraordinary letter to a court urging them to grant bail to a man suspected of conning cash from the elderly to fund Islamic State terrorists.PA/GETTYJeremy Corbyn wrote a letter...
View ArticleTerror arrests at record levels as women and teenagers seduced by extremists
New Home Office statistics bear out warnings about schoolgirls and young families drawn into extremism.There were a total of 315 terrorism-related arrests in the year ending September 2015, an increase...
View ArticleStrict Muslim parents 'accused school of BRAINWASHING pupils with Nativity'
SWNSMuslim parents claimed pupils at Adderley Primary School were brainwashed by a NativityKadeer Arif, former chair of governors at Adderley Primary School in Birmingham, said they were accused of...
View ArticleLaughing attackers jailed for ten years each after Darlington rape
GUILTY: Sarkatt Salim, left, and Aram Rasheed, right, who has been jailed for ten years after being convicted of raping a teenager in DarlingtonTWO men who laughed as they raped a vulnerable young girl...
View ArticleSecret Home Office plan means YOU could wake up next door to asylum seekers'...
FAMILY homes are being snapped up by government contractors and quickly transformed into temporary hostels for asylum seekers in closed-door deals with local authorities, Express.co.uk can...
View ArticleExtremists are 'free' to fly Isil flags in London, says Boris Johnson
Extremists can display Isil flags in London because Britain is a "free country", Boris Johnson has suggested.The Mayor of London said that he does not support the banning of iconography associated with...
View ArticleBirmingham City Council hid links between Asian cabbies and child sex victims...
Birmingham City Council ‘buried’ a report linking Asian private hire drivers to child sexual exploitation victims 23 YEARS ago, the Mail can reveal.Researcher Dr Jill Jesson was asked by the authority...
View ArticleLondon university's Islamic society which has been accused of hosting radical...
Queen Mary University's Isoc announced the suspension on Facebook Post claimed the society is 'unclear' about what the allegations includeSociety member allegedly raised voice at a student union...
View ArticleBritain triples aid for Pakistan's schools
The Prime Minister was criticised for offering to spend more than £600 million of British taxpayers’ money in a country whose government he admitted could waste at least some of the aid.Visiting...
View ArticleTube attack hero who shouted 'You ain't no Muslim bruv' reveals he is NOT a...
John, a non-Muslim, said he just had to say what he felt at the timeThe security guard from North London fears future ISIS attacks in London Muhaydin Mire, 29, faces trial next year charged with the...
View ArticleParents' anger as their school is to be taken over by Islamic group despite...
Parents angry that Islamic group is to take over their largely white schoolTauheedul Education Trust to run Highfield Humanities College, BlackpoolBut petition by parents to postpone takeover has...
View ArticleMumsnet for jihadis
Free Our Sisters social media page promotes jailed female extremists Encourages people to write letters and make cards to send to jailed jihadis Page lauds bomb makers and notorious female jihadis...
View ArticleMore than 10,000 asylum seekers have gone missing and looking for them is...
Around 10,000 people and their dependants are not in touch with officialsSome have not had cases decided while others are awaiting deportation More than 30,000 failed asylum claimants have not been...
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