Woman left 'traumatised' after four men try and pull her into their car
A woman in her 20s has been left "traumatised" after a man tried to drag a her into his car in an attempted kidnap.The woman was walking home in Lambeth, south London, when she noticed a hatchback car...
View ArticleFormer UK defense chief: Cameron lacked “balls” to head off rise of Islamic...
“Lord Richards reportedly told author Sir Anthony Seldon that the prime minister had in 2012 rejected a ‘coherent military strategy’ to take on the regime of Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, which...
View ArticleOfficials do nothing about Islamic hardliners at university for fear of...
The Daily Mail, as ridiculous as ever, here quotes as an authority the dishonest and discreditedIslamic supremacist victimhood propagandist Fiyaz Mughal, and so the report must be taken with a...
View ArticleLuvvies support charity that funded ISIS apologists: Vanessa Redgrave and...
Celebrities backed charity over its funding of controversial group CageCage under fire when senior figure praised ISIS killer Mohammed EmwaziLed to outrage from Westminster and threat of Charity...
View ArticlePolice dive into canal to rescue 150 Islamic books... only to find they were...
Police dived into an east London canal to retrieve 150 Islamic books – only to discover they had been dumped there deliberately.It is thought a “well meaning” believer had put the books in the...
View Article10,000 troops to be deployed on British streets to deal with a Paris-style...
New contingency plan in place for military to help police deal with attackFears the army is plugging gaps in policing as Osborne prepares cutsNumber of Britons who fled UK to fight for ISIS or rebels...
View ArticleOne in five British Muslims have sympathy for those joining ISIS -
One in five British Muslims have some sympathy for those who join ISISMany Brits who fled to Syria have become the faces of the terror group40% believe the cause of ISIS terrorist attacks is Western...
View Articlethree British women ISIS supporters who are spreading extremist ideology in...
Undercover investigation exposes three British women as ISIS supportersTrio are seen promoting the terrorist group's ideology and glorifying jihadisThey also encourage impressionable young girls in UK...
View Article'catalogue of errors' that led to hairdresser being stabbed to death by...
Asher Maslin murdered hairdresser Hollie Gazzard while she was working Before, Maslin had been arrested 23 times, including for domestic violenceHe was also involved in 24 violent incidents involving...
View Article'Sharia taxi driver told me I was disgustingly dressed': Read more:
Frances Barber claims she was verbally accosted by an Uber taxi driverShe said he told her she was 'disgustingly dressed' and shouldn't be outMiss Barber tweeted that she was 'shocked' and had reported...
View ArticleImmigration boom will DEVASTATE countryside
GETTYBritain's green and pleasant land is to be destroyed by increased population and immigrationThe UK's beloved countryside is facing devastation with almost unimaginable amounts of infrastructure...
View ArticlePolice arrest one terror suspect every day on the streets of Britain
GETTYThe figure represents a huge rise from last yearAssistant Commissioner Mark Rowley said police pick up extremists for “anything we can” in a bid to disrupt potential terrorist plots.He admitted...
View ArticleStudent diversity officer who allegedly tweeted 'kill all white men' quits...
Bahar Mustafa resigned from Welfare and Diversity Officer position todayAccused of bullying union president Adrihani Rashid, who quit yesterdayMustafa stepping down for 'preservation of my mental and...
View ArticlePakistani student jailed in US for 40 years over failed al-Qaeda plots to...
Abid Naseer, 28, found guilty of planning to drive car bomb into Arndale Also convicted of separate plots in U.S. and on Copenhagen newspaper 'Hundreds of innocent' people could have died had he...
View ArticleKiller shouts ‘Allahu Akbar’ as he is jailed for 36 years for murdering...
Jama Ahmed, of Broomhall Place, Sheffield was jailed after being found guilty by a majority verdict of murdering Mr Thomas in a shooting on Derek Dooley Way, on December 21, last year.Jordan Thomas,...
View ArticleUK School Segregates Female Administrators...
A Muslim school in the UK was found practising gender segregation after it forced a woman governor to sit in a separate room and talk through an open doorway during official meetings.The segregation...
View ArticleUK Spends More on Foreign Aid than National Security...
BRITAIN's spending on foreign aid will be LARGER than the entire Home Office budget in each of the next five years - reaching a staggering £16BILLION, it was revealed today.
View ArticleOutrage as Red Ken says the 7/7 bombers 'gave their lives' for the cause:
Ken Livingstone said terrorists ‘gave their lives’ in protest at Iraq invasion He blamed former prime minister Tony Blair for the 2005 atrocity Mr Livingstone said: ‘They gave their lives, they said...
View ArticleMore than 10,000 seek asylum in the UK in only three months:
Home Office figures show requests for asylum hit 10,156 in three monthsFigures from July, August and September were highest in 12 yearsShowed a 64 per cent surge from April-June when 6,203 sought...
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