South London sex attacks suspect appears in court
5 hours ago From the sectionLondonImage captionThe assaults have all taken place in Clapham and Brixton Hill in south LondonA man has appeared in court accused of carrying out a string of sex attacks...
View ArticleFather took his family to KFC for 'treat night' meal but staff refused to...
Steve Mitchell, 45, stunned to find KFC in Derby does not serve bacon Forced to drive his family four miles to find a non-halal KFC restaurantHe said: 'I'm disgusted that we couldn't get the fast food...
View ArticleMuslim Nuclear Power Plant Employee Caught Reading Bomb Making Manual At Work -
An employee at a Scottish nuclear power plant, who is thought to be Muslim, has been allegedly caught studying bomb-making websites at his place of work. The man works as a “special entry assistant”,...
View ArticleChild rapist is jailed for life after he is caught on CCTV snatching girl, 6,...
Imran Khan, 34, from Accrington, already jailed for raping 12-year-oldReleased on licence and asked to do year-long course but took girl, 6CCTV shows him prowling streets of Burnley looking for someone...
View Article'Lovely place, reminds me of Calais, lots of mobile phones and designer jeans':
Newport Road in Cardiff now renamed 'Asylum Street' by local residentsAround 50 migrants have been housed in row of homes including old B&BTripadvisor review says: 'This is a lovely place to stay,...
View ArticlePregnant woman and her husband are banned from LONDON after performing a sex...
Akeela Ali was seen performing the act on husband Fahad Bilal on July 23CCTV showed their children, three and five, next to them during incidentBoth pleaded guilty to outraging public decency at a...
View ArticleTeenager claims she was gang raped by five young Syrian migrants:
Vulnerable teenage victim received supervised care in residential homeSays she was raped by five men from Syria in horror attack last weekendFour men have been arrested and detained, with two charged...
View ArticleSharia Courts Pressure Women Not to Report Abuse
Islamic Sharia councils are discouraging women from going to the police in cases of domestic violence, a barrister has told the BBC.Charlotte Proudman said that women are being left in “very vulnerable...
View ArticleWhy can't we name this rapist asylum seeker?
On the surface, it’s the kind of everyday tale of human rights lunacy to which we’ve become almost inured.An Iranian man illegally entered the UK 11 years ago and his asylum request was rejected three...
View ArticleMuslims from UK linked to downing of Russian jet
Britain’s new export: jihad. How proud Cameron and May must be: they worked assiduously to bar counter-jihadists such as Pamela Geller and me from the country, for the crime of noting that Islam has a...
View Articlesoldier Lee Rigby's mother vows to go into schools to stop children becoming...
Lee Rigby's mother Lyn planning to visit schools to combat radicalisationShe wants 'to teach the right message to young and impressionable kids' Mrs Rigby said she hoped Lee Rigby Foundation would be...
View ArticleMuslim voters in Birmingham 'were told by mosque leaders they would go to...
Lib Dem candidate took rival to election court after council result in MayHe claims a Facebook post shared by Labour man broke the rulesThe post allegedly suggests Muslims will 'go to hell' for not...
View ArticleWhite schoolgirl aged 13 'was repeatedly raped and sexually abused as she was...
Girl was 'raped in car parks, parks and churchyards' in Keighley, West YorksDuring one attack, teenager was allegedly raped by five men in successionMen gave her a 'corner' in a car park where they...
View Article‘I’m Not Afraid of the Police – I’m Muslim’
There it is.The fact is Muslims believe sharia is ‘divine’ but national law ‘man-made’. And this is repeated by the “Muslim on the street.” And the West panders to this savage supremacism —“Man...
View ArticleHundreds of children taught in 'squalid conditions' of illegal schools are at...
Ofsted chief Sir Michael Wilshaw warns it is too hard to shut schools downIn one unregistered school inspectors found toilets without running waterLabour warns young children could be 'exposed to...
View ArticleWhy is the BBC letting the Islamic Human Rights Commission set the agenda?
The farcically named ‘Islamic Human Rights Commission’ has featured here many times before. The last time was earlier this year when this Khomeinist group decided to award their ‘Islamophobe of the...
View ArticleBritish cinema pulls screening of Oscar-nominated film about the life of...
The Grosvenor in Glasgow was due to show The Message on Sunday It was being shown at the request of the Islamic Society of Britain (ISB) But due to an online petition it has been cancelled to avoid...
View Article'ISIS plot to kidnap British diplomats' is busted:
North East Counter Terrorism Unit said four men had been arrested in UK Seventeen people were targeted in raids across Europe including Italy Investigators said the network was trying to free Najmuddin...
View ArticleAngry villagers campaign to evict 70 asylum-seekers from hotel after becoming...
Angry villagers want 70 asylum-seekers staying in a Wigan hotel evictedPeople from Somalia, Syria and Iraq have been staying there since JulyWaiting to have applications processed but locals growing...
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