Police UNMASK Muslim woman who turned up in court wearing a niqab to face...
The face of a woman who stole more than £20,000 of taxpayer’s money was last night unmasked to the public - after she tried to protect her identity by arriving at court wearing a Muslim veil.Shaheda...
View ArticleIslamic schools in Britain forcing girls as young as 11 to wear full-face veils
Institutions say that they are 'strict' on uniforms for their children because full-face veils are the 'desired dress code of a Muslim female'.But campaigners believe it is 'wrong' for any child to...
View ArticleWhy are my fellow feminists shamefully silent over the tyranny of the veil,...
For the past week, our court system has been tying itself in knots to accommodate a young Muslim defendant who wishes to wear the full face veil or niqab in court.Finally, on Monday, the judge in the...
View ArticleFront-line staff in 17 NHS hospitals have been secretly banned from wearing...
Staff in at least 17 hospitals have been secretly banned from wearing veils, an investigation has found.Front-line NHS staff, including doctors and nurses, have been told they cannot wear a niqab – a...
View ArticleMore than 1,500 women victims of genital mutiliation in shock statistics...
More than 1,500 new cases of female genital mutilation have been revealed by a single London maternity unit and staff admit that other cases could have 'slipped through the net.'St George's hospital in...
View Article13-Year-Old Girl Sold for Sex...
A 13-year-old girl was sold for sex at £20 a time by the teenage boss of a child sex ring, a court has heard.It was alleged that the girl, who has learning difficulties, was one of five underage girls...
View ArticleCruel carer stole £3,000 from elderly couple
Ashar BibiShe avoided a prison sentence by telling a court she had to care for her three children.Ashar Bibi, described as wicked by a judge, convinced the elderly man to sign a blank cheque for the...
View ArticleBritish women joining jihad in Syria
Channel 4 News has obtained new footage from Bilal Abdul Kareem an American Muslim, who is filming western jihadis. He says he wants to show the reality of their situation in Syria .UK domestic...
View ArticleHow on-the-run burka terror suspect is seeking human rights damages from the...
Burka fugitive Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed began seeking damages from the Government in a human rights legal challenge involving allegations of torture before he went on the run, it was revealed at the High...
View ArticleStupid Wahhabi Sheikh talk about his dreams
All that pandering to Muslims by David Cameron and this is the thanks Muslim cleric says, “David Cameron will get down on his knees and pay us Muslims ‘jiyza’ (tribute). All women will have to cover...
View Article“Filthy” conditions at Bradford fish shop were “beyond belief”
The filthy conditions at a Bradford city centre takeaway have been described as “beyond belief” after inspectors found cockroaches creeping out of walls and a catalogue of other hygiene...
View ArticleQuilliam Foundation received over £1.2m in government funds
A Freedom of Information request has revealed how much government funding the Quilliam Foundation has received in the last five years – and this year has been a bad one.Saf Hussain submitted the FOI...
View ArticleMay targets radical mosques in new terror clampdown after seven suspects go...
The Home Secretary is to draw up a list of radical mosques where terror suspects being monitored under controversial control measures will be banned from worshipping.The crackdown follows the escape of...
View ArticleDetectives name man being hunted after woman murdered in Bradford
Detectives investigating the murder of a woman, 21, in Bradford have released this picture of a man they want to quiz.They named him as Danish Irfan, 21, and said he is wanted in connection with the...
View ArticleTory MP's claim for electricity to his stables is exposed by the Press: The...
A millionaire Tory MP has admitted making an expenses claim for the electricity used by his horse riding business and a yard manager’s mobile home.Nadhim Zahawi, who was a successful entrepreneur...
View ArticleMuslim convert Tasered by police was heard chanting that he wanted to kill...
A Muslim convert was heard chanting that he wanted to kill non-believers hours before going on a knife rampage and trying to kill a police officer and firemen.The man was Tasered multiple times by...
View ArticleBurka suspect Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed flees - so police nick reporter
Police hunting a runaway terror suspect swooped on a mosque in West London and nabbed… a tabloid newspaper reporter.The journalist had been distributing posters in the area around the mosque where...
View Article34 terrorist plots against UK thwarted since 7/7 bombings, says MI5 head
Speaking in an unprecedented joint appearance before Parliament's Intelligence and Security Committee, the heads of MI5, MI6 and the GCHQ answered questions in public.The committee heard that Syria...
View ArticleTwo Bristol men face sexual exploitation charges
Two men have been charged with offences including rape relating to the sexual exploitation of children in Bristol.Mohammed Dahir, 21, faces a total of three charges. Jusef Abdirizak, 19, faces one...
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