Muslims illegally and barbarically slaughter British sheep as a “sacrifice”...
Before you try to equate halal slaughter with kosher, look at THISFOUR Muslim men have pleaded guilty to illegally slaughtering sheep after they killed the animals without stunning them as part of an...
View ArticleGirls forced out of shopping centre to be raped in Sunderland park, court hears
Syed Ali, 46, told his two victims he was carrying a a knife and warned they would be “hurt” if they did not leave the Bridges Shopping centre in Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, and follow him to Mowbray...
View ArticleChristian pastor to be charged with HATE CRIME after calling Islam ‘Satanic
IGThe pastor said that he did not trust MuslimsPastor James McConnell triggered controversy when he said he did not trust Muslims during a firebrand sermon at his north Belfast church last year.State...
View ArticleShould UK schools teach Arabic?
Calls by a British Council report to introduce Arabic at schools in the United Kingdom in a bid to combat the country’s apparent language deficit have received mixed reactions, particularly among those...
View ArticleFormer councillor to quit Labour party following disagreement over Blasphemy Law
A former councillor from Slough says he is planning to resign from the Labour Party following a clash with the parliamentary candidate Fiona Mactaggart.Mohammed Arif, who was a councillor for the...
View ArticleConvicted terror leader with link to Paris whom we cannot deport
Al-Qaeda fundraiser from Leicester connected to seiges in France, uses Human Rights Act to stay in BritainBaghA convicted al-Qaeda terror fundraiser with links to the Paris attacks is residing in the...
View ArticleUK arresting about one would-be jihad terrorist every day
Good thing the jihad has nothing to do with Islam. Imagine how many they’d be arresting if it did.“Counter-terrorism chief rejects British passport deal for would-be extremists,” by Vikram Dodd,...
View ArticleUK Counter-terror chief rejects proposal to allow jihadis to go to Islamic...
“If you have a British citizen, why are you going to allow them to go somewhere where you think they are going to take part in murder and all sorts of awful acts? What about then coming back more...
View ArticleOldest Qur’an fragments in the world discovered in the UK? Maybe, maybe not
This BBC article is circulating widely, but it raises more questions than it answers, and reveals more about the wishful thinking of the academic and media establishments than it does about the...
View ArticleBritish Prime Minister David Cameron lays out his new plan to fight...
“Although he emphasized that Islam was a peaceful religion, Cameron warned it would be an ‘exercise in futility’ to pretend there was no link between Islam and the radical ideas espoused by militants...
View ArticleMuslim charged over alleged jihad terror plot to attack US military in the UK...
Every day now there is another jihad plot, and more Muslims trying to join the Islamic State. It sure seems easy for Muslims who — we are told — hear nothing but “Peace, peace” in their local mosques...
View ArticleShining A Light On Female Genital Mutilation In London
An estimated 130 million young girls have undergone sexual mutilation, mostly in Muslim countries, but now, apparently in Great Britain, Europe, and the USA,...
View Article'Break into someone's house and get your first taste of beheading':
Boy was 14 when he encouraged Sevdet Besim, 18, to murder an officerTwo shared thousands of enthusiastic messages online and praised ISIS Youngster even told Besim that he should get his 'first taste...
View ArticleSix members of Asian sex gang are facing jail after being convicted of...
Girl and a second victim were repeatedly raped on 'an almost daily basis'A total of 11 men went on trial for 51 offences between 2006 and 2012Six of the men were found guilty and will be sentenced on...
View ArticleMuslims “sick and tired” of Cameron’s words about “Islamist extremism”
The witless panderer Cameron insisted in his speech that Islam was a peaceful religion, but this sop to the War-Is-Deceit crowd didn’t placate them. The fact that he is talking about Islamic terrorism...
View ArticleSo, where are all these British Muslim moderates?
The Prime Minister was right to highlight the wider narrative that leads to Islamist violence. Trouble is, in British Muslim society “non-violent extremists who radicalise young people” are part of the...
View ArticleMuslim faith school in Yorkshire given 'good' rating by Ofsted – despite...
Institute of Islamic Education rated as 'good' by Ofsted in latest inspectionThis is despite it banning pupils from watching TV or reading newspapersDocuments given to parents said pupils meeting...
View Article. Fury at BBC after Home Affairs Editor 'compares hate cleric Anjem Choudary...
Mark Easton discussed government's new terror laws on BBC NewsIt came after a special report on whether Choudary is a 'radicalising force' Civil rights campaigners said apparent comparison was...
View ArticleSunderland man charged with ten terror offences
Mohammed Kahar, a 37-year-old man from Sunderland hasl appeared before Westminster Magistrates this morning charged with ten offences under the Terrorism Acts.A 37-year-old man from Sunderland will...
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