Husband barred from having sex with wife by judge because she has mental age...
Woman is wife in a polygamous Islamic marriage to Bangladeshi man39-year-old is unable to make decisions about having sex, judge saysJudge asked to consider if she should leave care facility and go...
View ArticleBritish Government Warns Against 'Merry Christmas' Greetings...
Staff at a Government department have been urged to avoid writing the words “Merry Christmas” in seasonal email greetings to avoid upsetting anyone.Instead, employees at the Department of Energy and...
View ArticleMuslim charities lose government help over 'extremism'
Birmingham charity Islamic Help said Eric Pickles had "besmirched" its reputationContinue reading the main storyRelated StoriesHSBC closes some Muslims' accountsCharities chief warns of extremismTwo...
View ArticleMuslims kept slave workers in squalid conditions
The Qur’an has Allah telling Muhammad that he has given him girls as sex slaves: “Prophet, We have made lawful to you the wives to whom you have granted dowries and the slave girls whom God has given...
View ArticleRadical Muslim student, 20, who posed with guns and wanted to fly black flag...
David Souaan, 20, was arrested at Heathrow trying to flee for Syria in MayWealthy student posed with guns and tanks but said he was an extremist Claimed that pictures were just to make him 'look cool'...
View ArticleTop judge calls for rules which force women to take off veils when giving...
Women in veils should be compelled to show their faces when giving evidence in court under “tougher” new rules to ensure that justice is done, Britain’s most senior female judge said .Baroness Hale,...
View ArticleAsian father-of-four raped pub worker for three hours after dragging her off...
Woman in her 20s was walking home from work in Bedford at around 11pmAbdul Ghafoor, 33, grabbed her from behind and dragged her into bushesHe had drunk five rums and assaulted her from 11.25pm until...
View ArticleHow young jihadists lived just streets away from Muslim bomb plotters and...
Welsh capital has been linked to string of cases linked to extremist violenceThree young men have fled to Syria from the city to fight with IsisBrothers and a sister jailed for involvement in plot to...
View Article'Next generation, God willing': ISIS jihadist's widow from London posts...
The teenager's husband died fighting in war-torn Kobane on Syrian borderThe Londoner proudly posted the picture of the youngster on Twitter ISIS supporters offer cash incentives to encourage...
View ArticleTaxi driver fined £1,000 after refusing to pick up blind woman in pouring...
Sue Smith, who is blind, phoned taxi to collect her from Birmingham centreBut when Shahzad Ahmad arrived he said his six-seater car was too smallMs Smith, 50, was left 'embarrassed' on the street with...
View ArticleUK powerless to stop Islamic child marriage
If the girl is wed lawfully in her homeland her husband cannot be prosecuted under UK law, Theresa May’s Home Office said.Officials made the admission after the Bishop of St Albans Alan Smith asked the...
View ArticleStanding outside a typical sports shop… carrying an M16 assault rifle: The...
Briton Abu Abdel Malik al-Britani was killed fighting for ISIS in SyriaDied alongside two Canadian jihadis during clashes in desert town DabiqDeath brings total number of dead British ISIS jihadis to...
View ArticleBlackburn couple with five children face deportation after using false names...
Mohammed Zakariya Wadiwala outside Preston Crown CourtA COUPLE from Blackburn cheated the taxpayer out of more than£134,000 as part of an asylum scam, a court was told.Mohammad, 40,and Zenabibbi...
View ArticleMuslims kept slave workers in squalid conditions
Police have released images of the squalor that they say 10 alleged slave-workers had to endure in Rochdale after two men were charged and three others arrested in connection with enslavement and...
View ArticleEnd of an era as palace sentries fall back in face of mounting fears of new...
Security bosses have withdrawn Royal Guards from posts outside palaces amid fears of a 'lone wolf' terror attackElite soldiers of the Queen's Guard no longer allowed on sentry duty alone and are...
View ArticleSwimming pool pervert who groped mum while she swam with her kids avoids jail
Mohibur Rahman continually brushed past the mother over a 45 minute period and was told to leave her alone after he touched he crotch as she dived into the waterA swimming pervert who groped a mother...
View ArticleIllegal immigrant spent thousands of pounds on sham marriage - but was caught...
Pakistani national Babar Khan, 24, was jailed for 20 months by judgeThe illegal immigrant paid £4,660 for a sham marriage in SouthamptonStaff raised the alarm after he was unable to spell his...
View ArticleVigilante gang jailed after taking two alleged fraudsters hostage and...
The gang of seven Asian men held two victims hostage in Manchester house Threatened violence until victims arranged bank transfers to their accounts All seven were jailed today following a trial at...
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