Muslim gang leaders, 16, named and shamed for leading intimidation campaign...
A pair of 'lawless' schoolboy gang leaders who terrorised elderly people in their neighbourhood have been ordered by a court to 'grow up' or face jail.Ali Iqbal and Haider Farooq - who dubbed...
View ArticleTemporary marriage on the rise
The temporary marriage, or nikah mut'ah, is an ancient Islamic practice that unites man and woman as husband and wife for a limited time. Historically it was used so that a man could have a wife for a...
View Article7 more muslim pedos
The court heard how the men drugged the girls and took them to towns and cities to be rapedContinue reading the main storyRelated StoriesWho were the victims?Who were the men behind the abuse?Oxford...
University of Cambridge is revealing the depth of the human idiocy trapped in absurd liberalism: Western women ‘discovering’ that their conversion to Islam ends in physical abuse and oppression! The...
View ArticleNine go on trial for grooming and abusing young girls
A group of Asian men “trafficked, raped or sexually abused” young girls after bombarding them with gifts and attention, a court has heard.Image 1 of 3Mohammed Younis, 59, Noshad Hussain, 19, Mohammed...
View ArticleHate preacher Abu Qatada complains his five-bedroom taxpayer funded home is...
Radical cleric's wife and five children will join him in Jordan, tribunal hearsHis lawyer says Qatata is unhappy £1,400 a month home lacks storagePromised to leave Britain 'voluntarily' as long as...
View ArticleMosque Teacher Assaults Students...
A TEACHER at a Blackburn mosque has appeared before the town’s magistrates charged with assaulting two of his pupils.Catherine Allan, prosecuting, told the court Mahmad Hajat worked at the Cumberland...
View ArticlePalestinian Asylum Seeker Bides Time by Raping British Women
A Palestinian man has been convicted of raping a woman in Glasgow city centre and assaulting another months earlier.Failed asylum seeker Mohammed Al Dehshari, 28, raped the 30-year-old, who had been...
View ArticleIs this country mad? Why is Anjem Choudary, whose poisonous teachings...
As the awful events unfolded on the streets of Woolwich on Wednesday, the mobile phone secreted inside the black Islamic robes worn by Anjem Choudary — the self-styled Sheik of East London — soon...
View ArticleThousands living in Britain may be on the path to 'violent extremism', Home...
Thousands of people living in Britain could be 'on the path' to becoming violent radicals and terrorists, the Home Secretary said today.Theresa May gave the warning as she confirmed a fresh crackdown...
View ArticleA Reply to David Cameron
British soldier Lee Rigby was murdered and beheaded on a London street by two Muslims. Prime Minister David Cameron and London Mayor Boris Johnson have assured the world that the attack had nothing to...
View ArticleMuslim cleric Anjem Choudary: London jihad victim will burn in hell; his...
The extremist maintains that despite being executed in barbaric circumstances the 25-year-old father of one deserves no sympathy because he is a 'non-Muslim' and called one suspect a 'nice man'.It is...
View ArticlePosing like Usain Bolt and blowing kisses to his brother, Woolwich suspect...
Raising his arm into a Usain Bolt pose, Michael Adebolajo kisses a copy of the Koran with his eyes closed.The terror suspect went through this routine as he appeared in court yesterday accused of...
View ArticleSickening video circulated by university Islamic Society claims Lee Rigby...
An Islamic Society at one of Britain's largest universities has promoted a video claiming the execution of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich was a hoax cooked up by the state, it was revealed today.Hours...
View ArticleSheriff fears for teen after Muslim dad who pulled a knife on his daughter...
Ahmmad pulled a knife on his daughterindsay/Hart/PPAValerie Johnston said her instinct was to send Regime Ahmmad to prison but added that her hands were tied over how long she could jail him for.She...
View ArticleJihad Brit in Harry kill plot
Convert ... Ashraf IslamAshraf Islam made his chilling threat a day after the murder of soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich, South London.Islam, 30, is now facing ten years in jail after admitting...
View ArticleCultural differences are no defence for committing sex crimes against young...
Cultural and religious differences cannot be used as a defence for men from ethnic minorities linked to sex crimes against young girls, Tory Damian Green has insisted.The Police Minister said he was...
View ArticleHATE clerics like Anjem Choudary may soon lose benefits.
Crackdown ... hate cleric Anjem Choudary is set to lose almost £26k in state giveawaysAny claimant whose behaviour is ruled to be deeply offensive or harmful to society would be stripped of their...
View ArticleWhite Flight: Diversity extremes push Londoners' exodus
Lebanese Muslim immigrant complains that there are just too many immigrants in Britain…
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