Five 'Trojan Horse' schools placed in special measures to combat Islamic...
Birmingham schools had previously been rated 'good or outstanding'But special Ofsted inquiry exposes 'culture of fear and intimidation'Hardline governors were wielding 'inappropriate influence' over...
View ArticleSchoolboys Get Dentention For Refusing To Kneel And Pray To Allah
Parents were stunned when two boys were handed a detention for not wanting to kneel down and “pray to Allah” in a Religious Education lesson.The boys, both in year seven (11 and 12 year-olds) refused...
View ArticleFather arranged marriage for daughter, 12, to avoid 'sinful life', court told
A father allegedly gave his 12-year-old daughter sex advice and arranged an unlawful marriage between her and a man because he didn't want her to "live a sinful life".The 61-year-old New South Wales...
View ArticleDamning Ofsted report accuses Luton school of promoting fundamentalist Islam...
Report condemned Olive Tree Primary School in Luton, BerkshireAccused of promoting Salafi ideals, which includes imposing Sharia lawClaimed it did not prepare children 'for life in modern Britain'...
View ArticleCharity boss who met The Queen is jailed for sexually abusing three young...
Zafar Iqbal, 67, guilty of 25 counts of historic sex abuse against three girlsVictims were under age of 14 when attacks took place in 1970s and 1980sIqbal headed council-funded Southwark Muslim Women’s...
View ArticleMuslim school found with books promoting stoning says it’s a victim of...
This is the world we live in: a Muslim school is found to have books suggesting stoning and lashing as appropriate punishments because Islamic law prescribes stoning and lashing as appropriate...
View ArticleDoctor Washes Feet in ER Sink
A MUSLIM doctor who took off his shoes and socks and washed his bare feet in a consultation room basin at Princess Alexandra Hospital as a patient looked on has been struck off.A Medical Practitioners...
View ArticleMuslim school inspector employed by Ofsted refuses to shake women’s hands
A Muslim schools inspector employed by Ofsted in London refused to shake hands with women teachers, the education watchdog admitted today.Teachers complained that he snubbed female members of staff...
Britain's school inspection organisation Ofsted has told its inspectors that segregating boys and girls in the classroom is acceptable in Muslim schools and need not be criticised.The Times reports...
View ArticleIslamoflasher Exposes Himself To Girls Aged 12 And 13 In Grimsby
Just lately it seems like incidents of Islamoflashers are popping up somewhere every few days. There has been a massive spate of them up and down the UK over the last couple of months. Just like...
View ArticleBritish fanatics heading to Iraq to join ISIS militants in their HUNDREDS...
British Muslims are heading to Syria to fight with extremist rebel group, ISISNow hundreds of them are feared to be crossing the border to fight in IraqSecurity services looking at suggestion Brits...
View ArticleBe more British Cameron tells UK Muslims: PM issues powerful new pledge to...
He plans to use 800th anniversary of Magna Carta to reassert British valuesPrime Minister said it is time to stop being 'squeamish about Britishness'He said refusing to accept British laws and the way...
Do Muslims in Cambridge have some kind of hold on the local council or something? Despite residents nearby already angered by the parking chaos from the mosque. Something that is a gripe by people up...
The charities commission are investigating Khodam Al Mahdi Organisation. They are the extremists who run the Al Muhassin Mosque,home to controversial Islamic satellite television station Fadak TV. Hate...
View ArticleBritain's first directly elected Muslim mayor faces ban from office as he is...
Election petition sent to High Court claims Tower Hamlets poll was illegalLutfur Rahman accused of smearing rival John Biggs by calling him racistDocuments allege team influenced voters inside and...
View ArticleSenior Islamic leaders gain governor role in London schools
SENIOR members of an Islamist group that David Cameron and former Labour leader Tony Blair wanted banned have secured potentially influential positions as governors at London schools.Tahir Alam[PH]The...
View ArticlePlans for new 'super' mosque in Astley Bridge
An artist’s impression of the proposed mosque in Astley BridgeA HUGE new mosque is planned for Bolton.Developers have submitted plans to Bolton Council for the building in Blackburn Road, Astley...
Woman sexually assaulted on bus in BradfordPolice are appealing for information after a woman was sexually assaulted on a bus in Bradford.The woman was travelling on the 607 towards the city centre at...
View ArticleLondon Muslims Urge Faithful to 'Die for Allah'...
Jailed... Shah Jalal Hussain (left) and Ibrahim HassanTwo men from east London have been jailed for uploading terrorist material on the worldwide web and distributing material encouraging Muslims to...
View ArticleLaughing Muslim Stabs Teen Job Seeker to Death...
Imran Hussain, 27, murdered Kieran Crump-Raiswell, 18, in January last yearHussain attacked another victim in a 'trial-run' in Nottingham 12 days earlier Probe found police failed to conduct a 'timely...
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