Top British universities including Oxford and Manchester secretly serve Halal...
Ten top universities are selling unlabelled Halal meat to students Oxford, Manchester, Cardiff and Sheffield among the universities doing soRevealed through Freedom of Information Act requests - to...
View ArticleA Pakistani spinal neurosurgeon from Birmingham is to be charged with 11...
"Mr Hamid has been excluded from practising at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham."A Birmingham neurosurgeon has been charged with the sexual assault of female patients in two Birmingham...
View ArticleStudent caught with 20,000 Euros hidden in her underwear as she boarded...
+3Nawal Masaad was allegedly caught with 20,000 Euros in her underwear on a flight to TurkeyA university student who was caught with 20,000 Euros (£16,000) in her underwear on a flight to Turkey denied...
View ArticleBritish Government Pays Terrorist $1.6 Million...
The UK government is so absurd that it is hard to believe it isn’t a parody. Perhaps eventually Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, and David Cameron, as well as Jack Straw, Jacqui Smith and Theresa May, will...
View ArticleTeacher Steals Student's Phone to Prove 'Forbidden' Relationship' with Boy...
A teacher at one of the Birmingham state schools allegedly taken over by Muslim radicals in the so-called “Trojan Horse” plot has been reported to police after he broke into a female pupil’s mobile...
View ArticlePolice To Patrol More Than 100 Polling Stations
Police will be stationed at more than 100 polling stations to combat voter intimidation and fraud at the Local and European elections on Thursday, Sky News has learned.The Electoral Commission has...
View ArticleBritish Father Guilty Of Syria Terror Plan
Video: Mashudur Choudhury will be sentenced on June 13EnlargeEmailA father of two from Portsmouth has been convicted of preparing to commit acts of terrorism in Syria.Mashudur Choudhury, 31, left for...
View ArticleUKIP candidate blames ‘Muslim man’ for stabbing him in the face leaving him...
Bobby Anwar, 33, says the injuries he sustained will require surgeryHe claims the man's family call his family 'kafir', which means 'infidel'A man has been arrested on suspicion of causing grievous...
View ArticleNick Clegg launches extraordinary defence of £1.25million taxpayer-funded...
Deputy Prime Minister rejected demands to cut benefits for cleric's familyHamza was convicted of 11 terror charges in the U.S.Firebrand was found guilty of aiding the kidnapping of hostages in...
View ArticleMuslim convicted of jihad terror offenses worked as “racial harassment...
This means that before Mashudur Choudhury joined the jihad in Syria, he worked to encourage among Muslims a sense of victimhood and grievance, on which basis they would make demands upon the British...
View ArticleNo Homo Promo in Muslim Territory! (How dare these filthy kafirs inspect our...
The head of an Islamic faith school says he will challenge an Ofsted report written by inspectors who asked nine-year-old students to define homosexuality. Enraged parents at Olive Tree Primary School,...
View ArticleBritish MPs demand passports be revoked from UK jihadis in Syria
The amazing aspect about this story is that it is a story at all, so long after it has been known that numerous Muslims from Britain have gone to Syria to wage jihad. The British government, in its...
View ArticleUK is world’s leading recruiting ground for al-Qaeda
This is the Britain that Blair, Brown and Cameron have made. This is the Britain that Cameron wants to feature a London that will “stand alongside Dubai as one of the great capitals of Islamic finance...
View ArticleAnti-Semitic Islamic charity finally under investigation eight years after...
How far gone is Dhimmi Britannia? This far gone: Abdurraheem Green made his anti-Semitic statements eight years ago, but is only being investigated now because of a report by the Council of Ex-Muslims...
View ArticleLocals fume after landlord advertised property to rent for Pakistani family ONLY
A COMMUNITY has been left seething after a landlord advertised a property to let to a Pakistani family ONLY.Police officers tracked down the landlord following complaints[WENN]Police and politicians...
View ArticleControlling Muslim husband who forced wife to convert to Islam and wear a...
Mohammed Badiuzzaman admitted killing mother-of-three Sabeen ThandiHe told colleagues he planned to kill wife and bragged jails were 'easy peasy' Forced victim into Muslim marriage and stopped her...
View ArticleTerror-tied Muslim Mayor Threatens Islamic Riots and Violence if His Illegal...
When the British authorities banned Robert Spencer and me from Britain, they said our “presence would not be conducive to the public good.” They feared the Muslim street — protests, violence and so...
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