Jeremy Corbyn flashing the extremist Muslim Brotherhood’s four-finger salute?
Under intense pressure, British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has agreed to adopt the internationally accepted definition of anti-Semitism.Corbyn is expected to announce this at a Labour Party...
View ArticleFour Muslims who plotted jihad massacre received $1,000,000 in...
“The four men – who were jointly jailed for a total of 75 years – received nearly £800,000 in legal aid during the case.”How much money did Tommy Robinson receive in legal aid? Right: none. The British...
View ArticleFriend of London Bridge jihad murderer also freed from prison early, also...
Yes, this is insanity on a massive, society-wide scale. But the British government is not totally inept. It has been, in league with the British establishment media, extremely effective in demonizing...
View ArticleThe London Bridge jihad attack and why “more will die”
No one welcomes bad news, but denial can lead to even more bad news. A stark example is the reality of jihad terror. Ignoring its root cause will not make it go away. The article below highlights both...
View ArticleThe most popular names of 2019 were Olivia and Muhammad
Olivia, Sophia and Ava top the list for favourite baby girl names this yearWhile Muhammad, Noah and Leo are the top of the list for boys baby namesCharacters from films and children's favourite books...
View ArticleSchoolgirl ‘who was sold for sex by Asian grooming gang’
Victim said she was raped and forced to perform sex acts from the age of 12 Claims she was abused in churchyard and above a Perfect Pizza takeaway shopTold court she was violently abused when she tried...
View ArticleIrish suspected ISIS bride Lisa Smith is charged with terror offences over...
Irish national Lisa Smith has been charged with terror offenses following arrest Ms Smith flown back to Dublin after travelling to ISIS-controlled Syria in 2015 She was charged Wednesday after...
View ArticleJihadi who plotted UK bombings launches £50k taxpayer-funded open prison bid
Jawad Akbar, 36, was jailed for life in 2007 for planning fertiliser bomb atrocities at shopping malls, including Bluewater in Kent, at nightclubs and in Britain’s domestic gas networkJawad Akbar, 36,...
View Articleextremist, 40, jailed over ISIS stall outside Topshop on Oxford Street posts...
Anderson was jailed for three years in 2016 for setting up stall outside Oxford Street Top Shop to promote ISISBut since release Anderson posted at least two extremist images on Facebook Image of AK-47...
View ArticleAnti-terror police swoop on upmarket Bristol area to arrest suspected...
Planned operation stormed a residential property in Clifton, Bristol yesterday He was arrested on suspicion of commissioning or preparing acts of terror Arrest is not linked to London Bridge attack on...
View ArticleTwo terrorist sympathizers face prison after spreading sermons from jailed...
Mohammed Kamali and Mohammed Abdul Ahad published sermons by preacherThey published speeches by notorious terror recruiter Sheikh Abdullah el-Faisal His sermons glorified Al-Qaeda and ISIS and...
View ArticleMo Farah's brother who was jailed for knife attack is deported to Somalia
Ahmed Farah, 30, was sent to his birthplace by British authorities after jailHe served four-and-a-half years and was on Home Office's radar for two years He now says he would like the chance to return...
View ArticleMuslim who was “respected Blackburn community figure” sexually assaulted...
“JAILED: ‘Respected Blackburn community figure’ sexually attacked girl, 8,” by Peter Magill, Lancashire Telegraph, December 12, 2019:A ‘RESPECTED community figure’ in Blackburn is beginning a six-year...
View Article“Asylum seeker not guilty by reason of insanity over murder of Japanese man,”
This would be easier to accept at face value were it not for the fact that authorities all over the West have so often explained what is clearly and obviously jihad activity as mental illness.“Asylum...
View ArticleGang guilty of passing girl, 12, around like ‘piece of meat’ for her to be raped
A jury has convicted four men from Telford who abused a vulnerable young girl after she was “passed around like a piece of meat”, sold for sex and raped.The victim told how she was forced to perform...
View ArticleHomophobic teen thugs who lured gay men on Grindr then beat and robbed them...
Mohammed Khan, Qaasim Ahmad and Muhammad Umar, set up fake profilesThe trio tricked four men into meeting them in Bordesley Green, Birmingham When the victims turned up for their dates the men were...
View ArticleStudent, 17, is jailed for 16 years for urging her besotted boyfriend to...
Sarah Mohamed waited outside the victim's home in Openshaw, Manchester She sent 50 text messages instructing her boyfriend, Rhett Carty-Shaw, to kill Mohamed was jailed for intentionally encouraging a...
View ArticleEx-beauty queen WAG, 21, turned jihadi bride is jailed for 18 months for...
Amaani Noor fell in love with 'Hakim My Love' after he wooed her with messages She planned to join him in Syria, but was arrested by counter-terrorism officers She self-radicalised after collapse of...
View Article'ISIS recruiter' in notorious 'Leyton Cell' linked to Jihadi John and...
Cassimo Ture is a suspected member of the alleged Portuguese 'Leyton Cell' Portuguese prosecutors have linked them to notorious ISIS killer Jihadi JohnTure is living in London with a wife and son and...
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