113 cases of female genital mutilation reported to police in Birmingham, no...
The West Midlands in the UK is a small section of England that has Birmingham at its centre. Birmingham as a city is unrecognisable as British, due to the high volume of Muslims residing there. It is...
View ArticleLabour leader say ISIS bride 'has rights, just like anybody else' to...
Shamima Begum had her citizenship stripped by Home Secretary Sajid Javid Rare decision was made after she tried to return to Britain after joining ISIS Begum is contesting the ruling in court and might...
View Article'Strict' Muslim husband who strangled his estranged wife to death with a...
Mohammed Anhar Ali bought cables after his wife asked for a divorce last year He hid in a cupboard at her home for ten hours, then jumped out to attack herKiller then made calm 999 call saying he'd...
View ArticleSomali man, 42, who downloaded terror tactics manual about vehicle and knife...
Abdirahman Abdullahi Mohamed, 42, kept Islamic State propaganda on laptopThe father-of-two from Northolt, west London claimed it was for his researchBut prosecutors said it showed he clearly had...
View Article“Leeds Muslim convert stabbed stranger in the neck six times ‘to establish...
“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” (Qur’an 47:4)“The court heard he is a devout Muslim who prays 15 times a day after he converted to Islam on his 20th birthday while in prison. He is...
View ArticleISIS jihadis who were stripped of UK citizenship could cost taxpayers...
UK legal aid agency could receive over 100 applications from trapped Jihadis Spike in applications expected after ruling granted legal aid to Shamima Begum Applications from former British Citizens...
View ArticleBristol University's black and ethnic minority officer faces investigation...
Omar Chowdhury told Izzy Posen he should 'be like Israel and cease to exist' Mr Chowdhury was elected as Chair of Bristol University's BME networkHe had campaigned on increasing 'solidarity between...
View ArticleEnglish FA ditch champagne for cup winners
The Football Association (FA) will break with tradition and no longer hand out champagne to competition winners to avoid offending players whose religious beliefs prohibit alcohol consumption.The...
View ArticleBoots pharmacist, 31, 'slipped laxative into trainee's water bottle while her...
Shahan Mir, 34, was supervising Farah Abdulquader at a branch in BirminghamHe allegedly added Lactulose to her water bottle when her 'back was turned'She suffered diarrhoea and vomiting, jurors at...
View ArticleTwo men who 'cynically sexually exploited young girl who was attacked from...
Victim 'targeted by men who wanted to use her for their own sexual purposes' Prosecutor said the girl was groomed in the Huddersfield area of West Yorkshire QC, prosecuting, also told the jury that the...
View ArticleSadiq Khan poses with Labour councillor he called anti-Semitic over Facebook...
Nisar Malik shared a Facebook video suggesting 'Zionist Jews' were behind 9/11 He also shared a post that claimed that Israel and America had 'created ISIS'Sadiq Khan was shown messages last year and...
View ArticleStudent, 20, drives away from court minutes after judge bans him from roads...
Saif Shaikh was handed an interim driving ban at Manchester Crown Court The 20-year-old student pleaded guilty to dangerous driving causing injury His lawyer asked judge Timothy Smith to adjourn...
View ArticleBBC 'glamorises sexual exploitation' by promoting Asian grime star's song...
Frenzo Harami talks about 'trapping' in the song - street slang for selling drugs Calls himself a pimp and boasts of having a 'white girl I called a cash machine'Song played on the BBC Asian Network by...
View ArticleBritish Pakistani Youth Council president, 37, who hosted David Cameron on a...
Kamran Ishtiaq said he would 'salute Hitler' for killing Jews on Facebook in 2014The 37-year-old said he stood by remarks when quizzed about them this weekHe claimed he was only talking about 'Jews who...
View ArticleSecret Government report warns over 48 British Islamic schools are teaching...
Imams are trained in schools accused of promoting intolerance, report warns Secret Government report claims emerging preachers hold extreme views Mail on Sunday has identified 48 Darul Ulooms that...
View Article'Evil' boyfriend, 23, who raped his 21-year-old partner and forced her to...
Mohammed Khan, of Smethwick, West Midlands, abused partner for 18 monthsForced his girlfriend to watch hardline Islamic instructional videos on behaviourSaved when family alerted police, before...
View ArticleNotorious Jihadist group banned after it was linked to 7/7 bombings which...
Members of Al-Muhajiroun (ALM) have been using social media in recent weeks Terror experts believe they are ‘testing the waters’ in their renewed activity ALM was linked to 7/7 bombings, murder of Lee...
View ArticleGP facing the sack for asking a Muslim woman to lift her veil so he could...
Dr Keith Wolverson, 52, asked a Muslim woman to lift her veil in order to hear herA formal complaint was filed by her family and a year later, an inquiry will be heldWolverson publicised his grievance...
View ArticleMuslim who Spat in Baby's Face is LET OFF
Rezzas Abdulla has previous convictions for race-hate attacks on white womenHe approached mother pushing her baby in a pram and spat at her daughterDespite previous crimes, attacker avoids jail term on...
View ArticlePolice Allow Muslim Gang to Attack Political Rally
How the police & the media collude to subvert the democratic process and smear patriotic candidates and parties.
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