Airport fires sister of London Bridge jihad murderer and her husband over...
How did they get the jobs in the first place? Why, to question them about their views on jihad and related matters would have been “Islamophobic.”“London Bridge attack mastermind Khuram Butt’s sister...
View ArticleSchool allowed radical Muslim cleric linked to terror group to lecture pupils
The Rabia School in Luton, Bedfordshire, allowed unchecked speakers from abroad to lecture its around 130 pupils aged five to 16-years-old, separate investigations by the Charity Commission and Ofsted...
View ArticleTrusted imam jailed for sexually assaulting four girls as they studied Koran
PA/GETTYMohammed Saddique has been jailed for 13 years for touching four girlsMohammed Haji Saddique, 81, called children to sit by him and read in Arabic from the Muslim holy book.He assaulted girls...
Political correctness has gone mad. Despite us supposedly living in a democratic society with freedom of thought.It appears if you don’t subscribe to the leftist mainstream line it can now cost you...
View ArticleExplanation of How The Islamic Invasion of Europe Happened
A depressing fusion of satire and reality about how we allowed the Islamic invasion of Europe to happen. A warning to us all.
View ArticleThe young British Pakistani women prepared to marry their COUSINS in order to...
BBC Three documentary Should I Marry My Cousin? follows 18-year-old HibaShe is on a quest to figure out whether she should follow her family traditionHiba speaks with her own relatives as well as two...
View ArticlePUBLIC ANGER as Muslim hate preacher uses HUMAN RIGHTS ACT and legal aid to...
A Muslim hate preacher who was arrested in Birmingham and is accused of radicalising one of the Paris Bataclan bombers is now using a combination of Legal Aid and the Human Rights Act to stay in the...
View ArticleUber driver who lay in wait outside popular bars to pick up and rape drunken...
Predator used his job as a mini-cab driver to prey on vulnerable womenHe raped one woman who went to sleep in his cab in October last yearRapist then attacked two other women in one night last...
View ArticleRefugees to get seven-bed home while 1,132 wait on council list
STEVE BELL•GETTYThe home in Rye has caused anger among residents who say locals should get priorityThe spacious property – worth an estimated £400,000– is in Home Secretary Amber Rudd’s constituency of...
View ArticleExtremist groups are posing as charities to get hundreds of thousands of...
Government has released summary of report into funding of extremists in UK Found main source is gifts from individuals who may not realise groups' nature'Significant' money is also coming from overseas...
View ArticleFemale doctor is arrested after her autistic three-year-old son is found...
Police were called to an apartment in Kimmage, Dublin, on Monday eveningToddler, three, had been stabbed to death and mother found with knife woundsHis mother, medic Maha Al Adheem, was taken to...
View ArticleMother who faked her own death and told her son to claim her life insurance...
Somali-born UK citizen spent thousands on furniture which she could not repayShe also wanted to bring relatives in a Tanzanian refugee camp to the UKHer son claimed she had died in a car crash in...
View ArticleDevout Muslim school where CHILD DIED and books teach husbands can beat their...
Let’s review what we know about the Al Hijrah school, one of Britain’s first Muslim schools to secure state funding. Islamic school that tried to gag Ofsted after report criticised it for segregating...
View ArticleMuslim leaders make formal complaint over 'Islamophobic' banners at London Pride
Muslim leaders have lodged a formal complaint with the organisers of London’s Pride festival after placards allegedly bearing Islamophobic messages were spotted at the event.A secularist group of...
View ArticleAnother anti-Muslim hate crime hoax?
Not least also is the fact that there are numerous incidents of Muslims fabricating anti-Muslim hate crimes. Muslim victimhood feeds the mainstream narrative; as such, it’s a big business.“Architect,...
View ArticleIslamic State supporter who mocked jihad victims has worked in numerous...
If Britons had found this out while he was working in these schools, and called attention to the fact, they would have been roundly denounced as “Islamophobic.” Imran Miah is the face of the new...
View ArticleCollege student, 19, 'sprayed a heavily pregnant woman's baby bump and her...
Mustafa Ahmed, 19, appeared in court over acid attack on pregnant womanHe spoke only to confirm his name and address at Thames Magistrates' CourtThe woman sustained abdominal wounds while partner was...
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