Owner of this filthy sweet shop fined £4,000 after health inspectors found it...
The boss of this filthy sweet-shop which kitchen inspectors found engulfed with flies and filled with dirty pans caked in grease has been fined £4,000.Mohammed Akram, 53, owner of Aysha Sweet Centre -...
View ArticleWoman Told to Obey Rapist Because 'I'm a Muslim'...
The court heard the victim's attacker, pictured here but who cannot be identified for legal reasons, A MAN pinned his girlfriend down and raped her in front of their baby son, and told her she must...
View ArticleWoman with 'Strict Muslim Family' Blackmailed, Raped...
A blackmailing engineer raped a woman before pocketing her life savings after threatening to hand out X-rated posters of her in lingerie advertising her as a PROSTITUTE, a court heard.Daood Hussain,...
View ArticleBritain Pays Failed Asylum Seekers to Stay...
The Government is paying £100,000 a day to support failed asylum seekers, it has been revealed.Would-be refugees who have been told to leave the country have received a total of£100million from the...
View ArticleTwo masked robbers lured couple 600 miles to buy a car before ambushing and...
Sajid Hussain, 26, and Shahid Sadik, 24, tricked Michael Irvine and his girlfriend Louise Cogle into travelling from their home in the Shetland Islands, thinking they would be buying a car in Bradford,...
View ArticleReligious Teacher Molests Praying Girl...
Suleman Maknojioa, 40, of Audley Range, Blackburn was said to have ‘squeezed’ the youngster’s chest, by placing his hand beneath the long folds of her headscarf.He denies seven counts of sexually...
View Article2 female terrorists arrested in england
Two women have been arrested on suspicion of terror offences in separate police swoops. The first, aged 26, was held at Heathrow Airport at around 9.20am after officers stopped her as she tried to...
View ArticleIllegal immigrant stayed in Britain for five years using blank passport he...
An illegal immigrant stayed in Britain for five years after he bought a blank passport on the black market which was among 3,600 stolen in a raid on a delivery van.Mohammed Arshad, 49, is thought to...
View ArticleMurders and rapes going unreported in no-go zones for police as minority...
The rise in ‘community justice’ means crimes as serious as murder and sexual abuse are going unreported – a situation reminiscent of Belfast in the height of the Troubles.Tom Winsor said police...
View ArticleBBC defends EastEnders over returning character Shabnam Masood's 'white...
The BBC have defended EastEnders after viewers complained about a ‘racist’ comment made by returning character Shabnam Masood.On Tuesday night’s episode the character, who was last seen in 2008,...
View ArticleBlackmailer who raped Muslim woman and stole her £10,000 savings after...
Unemployed electrical engineer Daood Hussain demanded£10,000 from the woman or he would publish the pictures and advertise her as a prostitute.The 28-year-old was described at Birmingham Crown Court as...
View ArticleFirst Muslim family move into Coronation Street -
Coronation Street is set to get its first Muslim family ever - and the soap's producer has admitted that increasing the show's diversity is a long-overdue move.The new characters will be relatives of...
View Article'Syria terror' arrests: Two men charged, police say
Two men have been charged with travelling to Syria to engage in terrorism, police have said.Yusuf Sawar and Mohammed Ahmed, both 21, from Handsworth, Birmingham, were arrested at Heathrow Airport on...
View ArticleMy horror at the thousands of British girls being mutilated in the name of...
it is private. It is a secret. By its very nature it is always covered up from the outside world.No one sees it but the person who does it, the woman who is the victim, the victim’s mother and the man...
View ArticleSeven of Britain's most dangerous terror suspects to be freed and given...
SOME of Britain's most dangerous terror suspects will have their human rights protected by being given lifetime anonymity when they are freed later this month.Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed disguised himself...
View ArticleMuslim woman ordered by judge to remove her veil if she wanted to give evidence
+2On trial: A Muslim woman has been told she will have to lift her veil if she wants to give evidence while on trial for witness intimidationA judge told a court today that a Muslim defendant must...
View ArticleDrugs kingpin jailed after Reservoir Dogs-style attack on undercover...
+4Mohamed Hassan has been jailed for 16 years after an undercover officer was subjected to a vicious assault which forced him to jump from a window to escapeThe leader of a drugs gang who subjected an...
View ArticleZoopla to end sponsorship deal with West Brom after Anelka’s “quenelle”
Nicolas Anelka denies accusations of anti-semiticism.West Bromwich Albion’s main sponsor Zoopla has announced that it will end its sponsorship at the end of the current season.The property website had...
View ArticleThousands sign petition to get Maajid Nawaz kicked out of Lib Dems
Maajid Nawaz of the Quilliam FoundationNearly 2,500 people have signed a petition to get Maajid Nawaz kicked out of the Liberal Democrats.The petition on Change.org was started last night in response...
View ArticleCouple jailed over £65,000 estate firm scam
Doli Begum and husband Syed ShahA fraudster has been jailed for swindling an estate management company at which she worked out of more than £65,000 in a joint scam with her husband.Doli Begum got the...
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