Leading Corbyn activist causes outrage after claiming Islamic terrorists are...
Labour's Barbara Ntumy said Islamic terrorists are ‘freedom fighters’ in a tweetNtumy, a leading supporter of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, caused outrageNtumy introduced Corbyn when he launched his...
View ArticleI'm sick of politicians pussy footing around. As they won't say it, I will -...
The homicidal maniacs who slaughtered seven people and wounded dozens more were determined the world would be left in no doubt about their motivation.'This is for Allah,' they screamed as they plunged...
View ArticleCNN reporter is caught up in 'fake news' row after being accused of 'setting...
Demonstrators against extremism visited police cordon near London BridgeVideo was taken of the group being positioned behind TV crews yesterdayCNN was accused on Twitter of using the demonstrators to...
View ArticleBomb squad carry out two controlled explosions outside new US Embassy in...
Met Police called to the London building site of the new US Embassy in Nine ElmsOfficers called to a report of two unattended cars at 4.38pm and a cordon set upSniffers dogs were scrambled to the area...
View ArticleNursery worker is left with broken ribs and needing stitches after she was...
Victim, named as 'Katie, worked at the Little Diamonds Nursery in Hermon HillKarrien Stevens, who runs the nursery, said staff member was on way to work Victim was dragged to floor and stabbed as...
View ArticleMuslim screaming “Allah Allah” and “I’m going to kill you all” in Jewish area...
“He was detained by officers under the Mental Heath Act.”Of course. It was just more of the global outbreak of mental illness.After all, what else could it possibly be? Why would a Muslim — a member of...
View Article130 UK imams hailed for refusing to perform funeral prayers for jihadis, but...
The Muslim Council of Britain has gained worldwide headlines — and praise — for the announcement. Secretary of State Tillerson said Monday in New Zealand: “I was actually encouraged when I heard on the...
View ArticleLondon’s Muslim mayor shared platform with London jihadi’s friend who trained...
A spokesman for Sadiq Khan said: ‘This is an old story.'”Sure, ok. But if Sadiq Khan had shared a platform in 2003 with, say, Pamela Geller or me, he would still be answering for it, and would never...
View ArticleSecurity stepped up at Cambridge mosques after early morning “bacon hate crime”
Step back a moment and consider the larger picture. Twenty-two people are dead in Manchester and seven in London at the hands of Islamic jihadists. Meanwhile, the supposedly “anti-extremism” Quilliam...
View ArticleManchester Airport EVACUATED - Police swoop on Terminal 2 in dramatic raid
Images from the scene show huge crowds of people waiting on the runway after having been asked to leave the terminal.Passengers are reporting armed police at the scene, and say the incident has been...
View ArticleGang of men on mopeds STAB man 'with machete'
At least five police cars and an ambulance descended on the central London site at about 8pm this evening following reports of a stabbing.The victim - believed to be a man in his 20s - was rushed to...
View ArticleBomb squad tackle suspicious package at McDonalds just two miles from stadium...
Police were called to inspect a package at a McDonalds restaurant in EdinburghIt is just two miles from Murrayfield Stadium where Robbie Williams is playingThe Royal Logistics Corps bomb disposal team...
View ArticleFury as ALL solicitors at controversial law firm that backed 'false' torture...
Leigh Day its co-founder and two of his colleagues faced misconduct chargesFirm alleged mistreatment of captives by British soldiers in Iraq in 2004They were prosecuted after some claims were found to...
View ArticleKhuram Butt was bankrolled by the taxpayer after jailed hate preacher Anjem...
Khuram Butt, 27, was claiming Jobseeker's Allowance of around £300 a monthWas also paid housing benefit for his council-owned flat as well as child benefitButt was a supporter of al-Muhajiroun and an...
View Article23,000 potential jihadis HERE but authorities admit they can't monitor all
The figure is more than six times the figure previously released by the Home Office at the time of last month's Manchester bombing. Then, it was revealed the security services had 500 live...
View ArticleTeen ISIS jihadis 'planned' gun and knife attack on seaside town
Counter-terrorism officials identified the large group, of which roughly half are teenagers, as highly likely to flee to the Islamic State (ISIS) strongholds of Iraq and Syria. The 28 strong gang,...
View ArticleParents ban their children from playing outside after learning Rochdale sex...
Gang preyed on young girls in the town in a scandal which shocked the countryMany of the gang have been freed from prison, with four fighting deportationOne of those has been spotted back in the town...
View ArticleThree British businessmen questioned after 'bomb talk' grounds Easyjet plane
An allegedly suspicious conversation led to the London-bound easyJet Airbus being diverted to Cologne-Bonn airport in Germany. All 151 passengers were evacuated down emergency chutes. Nine people...
View Article‘Fake News’ BBC Whitewashes ‘Anti-Racist’ Violence, Brands March by Gay,...
Tommy Robinson/Twitter The Unite Against Hate march, organised by Gays Against Sharia, has been branded a “far right” protest by the BBC, the broadcaster whitewashing reports of violent “anti-racists”...
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