Muslim student leaves ball-bearing bomb on London Tube train, walks away to...
British officials remain completely uninterested in the recurring phenomenon of converts to Islam falling into what those officials generally insist is a perversion of the true, peaceful Islam. Why do...
View ArticleMuslim arrested carrying knives near PM’s office was on Gaza jihad flotilla...
A man arrested on suspicion of planning a terrorist act on Thursday, carrying knives near Prime Minister Theresa May’s office, was on a ship raided by Israeli soldiers in 2010, sources familiar with...
View ArticleHow a tiny area of Birmingham has produced one in 10 of the UK's convicted...
Sparkbrook in Birmingham has become synonymous with Islamic extremism One in ten of all UK's convicted Islamic terrorists have come from the areaSparkbrook is more than 70 per cent...
View ArticleGang who attacked couple in their shop and escaped with just a LUNCH BOX
SWNSQasim Hussain (left) and Hassan Mahmood (right) were both jailed for nine yearsThe husband and wife were closing for the night when the robbers raided them.They punched the husband in the face...
View ArticleStop Ignoring ISLAMIC TERRORISM
VOX are intent on pretending horrific Islamic terrorism doesn't exist. Here they present a pro-Islam propaganda piece with Reza Aslan and Linda Sarsour, saying that Muslims and Islam are great and...
View Article10,000 migrants deported from UK next to terrified Brits on commercial flights
The Daily Star Online can reveal almost 10,000 failed asylum seekers – many considered violent – have been removed from Britain using commercial flights this year alone.The cash-strapped Government is...
View ArticleHow Islam Is Destroying Europe
A short, powerful animation showing how Muslims and "The Religion Of Peace™" is destroying Europe.
View ArticleTeenager, 17, was raped in a doorway after two men befriended her
A 17-year-old girl was raped outside a popular west London shopping centreThe teenager was approached by two men who tried to make her drink vodkaOne of the two men, who called himself 'Ahmed', forced...
View Article16-year-old girl 'was gang-raped by kebab shop owner and three others in flat...
Drunk teen was taken to room above takeaway and repeatedly raped, it was saidGirl, 16, was attacked after she became lost on a night out in Ramsgate, KentFour suspects denied three charges of rape at a...
View ArticleMuslim mother and daughter in court for jihad knife attack plot
The UK continues to treat each of these jihad attacks and plots as if they were separate and discrete incidents of criminal activity. British officials, like officials all over the West, never address...
View ArticleMuslim gang targeting lone female drivers at traffic lights
“The men were described as being Asian and in their early 20s.”“Asian” is the British media’s euphemism for Muslim.The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its...
View Article‘Deeply radicalised’ council binman, who converted to Islam and told his wife...
Darren Glennon became Muslim and changed his name to Aabid Ali 20 years agoHe had maps of parliament and searched Downing Street security arrangementsAli spoke of using his car as a weapon and told his...
View ArticleRochdale sex gang leader known as 'Daddy' launches a new taxpayer-funded...
Shabir Ahmed remains in jail for his role in the Rochdale child grooming gangHe was ordered to return to his native Pakistan following his convictionBut he and three others are fighting deportation in...
View ArticleGood Samaritans who saved a woman from being raped by a failed asylum seeker,...
Moroccan Housny Bouliaz, 18, pounced on woman in Canterbury last NovemberThree friends saw him grab his victim and stopped him from raping womanHe fled scene and was later caught when tried to mug a...
View ArticleJealous ex, 19, who used his ‘car as a weapon with furious intent’ to mow...
Junaid Haq left his victims seriously injured after driving his car into them He was angry his ex was dating fellow Solihull College student Daanyaal Iqbal The 19-year-old approached his rival and...
View ArticleSchools told to change class times, exam times and sports days because of...
More unreasonable accommodations to Muslims in the UK, as Sharia rules continue to encroach upon British society and subjugate Britons:Recommendations include schools should make adjustments to...
View ArticleHate preacher Anjem Choudary supporter jailed for sharing ISIS propaganda
REUTERS • CENTRAL NEWSAnjem Choudary's supporter Ashvin Gohill is jailed for 18 monthsAshvin Gohill, 37, posted links to speeches by Iraqi jihadi Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - the leader of so-called Islamic...
View ArticleManchester bomber is named as British Libyan jihadist Salman Abedi who killed...
Ball bearing bomb detonated at pop concert killed 22 people and injured at least 119 others last nightBomber has been named as Salman Abedi, a Mancunian of Libyan descent, known to the security...
View ArticleTheresa May warns a fresh terror attack is feared to be IMMINENT as she...
Troops are to be deployed onto Britain's streets amid fears a further terror attack 'may be imminent'Theresa May announced the move this evening, less than 24 hours after the bomb attack at a teen...
View ArticleManchester Attack: What They're NOT Telling You
Which is more important - not hurting Muslims' feelings, or our children being blown up?muslims play the victim hours after attack..Arsonists have burnt down a door at a mosque in Greater Manchester in...
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