Builder, 63, denies possessing military-grade explosives and ammunition found...
Police found half a pound of PE4 plastic explosives in knotted Tesco bagDiscovery made on shelf in outbuilding in Wembley, North West LondonChanel shoe box on a shelf contained five rounds of 8mm blank...
View ArticleHorror as British school threatened with massacre of all non-Muslim pupils
A BRITISH school is facing a terrorist threat after a message was posted online promising to massacre non-Muslim pupils in the name of Allah.GOOGLE MAPSMcAuley Catholic High School faces terror alert...
View ArticleCan't get over the fence at Calais? Simply ride a swamp donkey through...
Deborah Chniti, 43, moved from Stoke-on-Trent to Tunisia in 2012 to marryNow she and husband Ala, 27, whom she had met on Facebook, are brokeMrs Chniti, who was on benefits in the UK, is begging to...
View ArticleIslamist girls' school which taught that gay people could be killed and men...
Islamist girls' boarding school Jamia Al Hudaa in Nottingham faces closureFormer pupil Aliyah Saleem first blew the whistle on the school in 2014 But it is only now, following another Ofsted...
View ArticleAnother muslim pedophile cought
Butcher Mohammed Hussein, 30, had arranged to meet 'Gemma' at a hotelHe had asked whether she was a virgin and if he could sleep with herHe arrived at their meeting with Viagra pills, five condoms and...
View ArticleFormer Aston Villa trainee faces jail after being found guilty of trying to...
Anas Abdalla was today found guilty of trying to flee the UK to join the terror groupHe was arrested, along with three friends, hidden in the back of a lorryThe Somali-born former asylum seeker had...
View ArticleTwo teachers in 'Trojan horse' school allowed to return
Teachers Inam Anwar and Akeel Ahmed were struck in February this yearThey taught at Park View in Birmingham - linked to 'Trojan horse' scandalPanel found they ignored sex eduction and held segregated...
View Article“British Home Office Trying to Censor Report Accusing Government of Allowing...
The UK Home Office, like the Pentagon, would rather see people ignorant, complacent, and confident in their disastrous government’s efforts, rather than informed and resolute. Preserving political...
View ArticleMuslim bus driver put children’s lives at risk by stopping on busy road for...
Said one of the children’s mothers: “He was putting children’s lives at risk. At the end of the day he has a duty of care. This isn’t about his religion – he simply shouldn’t have done it.”Watch her to...
View ArticleMuslim former Conservative Party candidate says “Those who insult Islam must...
“Mr Sadruddin said that his speeches did not incite hatred, there was no intention to promote violence and he had specifically said ‘our jihad will be non-violent.'”Yes, the effort to conquer and...
View ArticleShocking CCTV captures moment driver deliberately mows down TWO pedestrians...
Mohammad Abdullah from Scunthorpe, left victims with several fractures30-year-old banned from driving for eight years at Grimsby Crown Court 'Shocking and dreadful' road rage attack was captured on...
View Article‘ISIS-supporting' group that claimed Jihadi John ‘wouldn’t hurt fly’ is given...
Some 900,000 visas have been granted since the Tories came to powerVisas have been granted to male strippers and even Chinese restaurants. The government u-turned over plans to force firms to count...
View Article'All white girls are good for is sex. They're just sl*gs':
Sageer Hussain, 30, was convicted of four rapes and one indecent assaultAttacker told his 13-year-old victim that 'all white girls are good for is sex'His brother Basharat was convicted of indecent...
View Articlemuslim plays the victim card
documentaryAmeenur RasheedMufti Shah Sadruddin who runs Al-Ashraaf Secondary School in Ilford has been filmed in a documentary saying people who insult Islam should die. (Photo: ITV - Islam's...
View Article'Adults are pretending to be children':
Migrant 'children' arriving in Britain on coaches from Calais Jungle campBut critics argue they look much older than the 14 to 17 they claim to be Aid workers said some are lying about their age to get...
View ArticleBritish Muslim cleric tells government ‘BAN the burka’ claiming head scarf is...
GETTYDr Hargey claimed the tradition 'reinforces female servility and sexist patriarchy'Dr Taj Hargey of the Muslim Educational Centre of Oxford put pressure on the Government to follow in the...
View ArticleBoney M singer's Muslim convert brother is jailed for life for hiring a...
Syrian preacher was found dead in north London in April last yearDetectives believe the killing was due to a row over a London mosqueMuslim convert who is the brother and 1970s popstar has been...
View ArticleUber driver, 33, who punched a mother-of-one in the face and called her a...
Uber driver Shahab Akbar, 33, punched a mother-of-one in the face twiceParamedic Taleka White, 27, said he became enraged outside her homeDriver became angry when Taleka's friend asked for different...
View ArticleLondon borough council admits immigration has pushed social house waiting...
A COUNCIL chief in London’s poorest borough has admitted that the waiting time for social housing is now 50 years in the latest evidence that immigration levels have got out of control.The waiting time...
View ArticleHundreds of Syrian refugees to be housed in UK city plagued by homelessness
GETTYBirmingham will take 500 Syrian refugeesBirmingham city councillors will "put their arms out to welcome"500 migrants under the Tory Government's resettlement scheme. There were 18,834 individual...
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