Vicious rapist we can't deport – because of his right to family life... even...
Mustafa Abdullahi, 31, was jailed for ten years after he threatened to kill his victim and repeatedly assaulted her.He was set to be deported on release, but immigration judges have ruled he cannot be...
View ArticleBritish jihadists try to entice other Muslims to Syria via social media
Above are two other recent British martyrs, Choukri Ellekhlifi, 22, and Mohammed el-Araj, 23. The pair are shown here at a jihadist internet café in Atmeh, a Syrian border town that is now firmly under...
View ArticleMuslim pleads guilty to operating jihad websites
Babar AhmadGood thing the British government banned Pamela Geller and me from entering the country. If we had gone in, Muslims might have gotten angry, become "radicalized," and started operating...
View ArticleStudents demonstrate against 'gender apartheid' as UK Universities refuses to...
Universities can allow men and women to be segregated if religious extremists demand it for their debates or lectures, official guidance revealed today.The decision has sparked protests with...
View ArticlePrisons Ban English Flag, 'Help for Heroes'...
The British prison system has become infested with political correctness and Muslim appeasing. British inmates are seemingly being discriminated against by the prison authority’s pro Muslim bias....
View ArticleSharia Activists Protest Sale of Alcohol in London...
The Shariah Project, a London-based Muslim group, is to march through Brick Lane on Friday against the drinking and sale of alcohol along the nightlife spot.Members of the group believe the consumption...
View ArticleMuslim protestors demand restaurants and shops stop selling 'evil' alcohol...
Dozens of Muslim protestors gathered to demand that businesses stop selling alcohol in a popular East London area yesterday.The group, led by former Al-Muhajiroun leader Anjem Choudary, warned...
View ArticleInside the British university where Muslims were segregated by sex: Shocking...
With women obliged to sit yards behind chairs reserved exclusively for men, the photograph above shows the shocking reality of gender segregation at a British university.It was taken earlier this year...
View ArticleBritish Muslim who told his family he was studying abroad but joined Al-Qaeda...
A British Muslim fighting in Syria for Al-Qaeda has been killed in the war-torn Middle East country.Ifthekar Jaman, 23, left his home in Portsmouth, Hampshire, earlier this year to join the Islamic...
View ArticleMuslim converts accused of hacking soldier Lee Rigby to death in street have...
Two Muslim converts who hacked soldier Lee Rigby to death in the street have no defence to the charge of murder, the Old Bailey heard today.The judge, Mr Justice Sweeney, told jurors that nothing...
A pair of teenage tourists have admitted sexual assaults on two 12-year-old girls in a public park in Torbay last summer.Mohammed Islam and Masudur Rahman have been warned they may face jail when they...
View Article"Asian" Man Jailed For 7 Years For Rape Of Teenager In Car Where? Britain,Of...
A young man who raped a teenager in a secluded spot in West Byfleet has been jailed for seven years.Navmeet Modha, 22, a father of one who is expecting a second child, was sentenced at Guildford Crown...
View ArticleLaws against inciting hatred: funny how an Islamist hate preacher is never...
And so we return to the case of Anjem Choudary, Britain’s most eminent Hate-Preacher-Who-Also-Lives-On-Benefits. Choudary has hit the news again, just as he intended, this time for marching down Brick...
View ArticleWhy is the BBC giving this man a platform? Backlash after hate preacher Anjem...
Angry listeners have today questioned why BBC bosses chose to give hate preacher Anjem Choudary the prime interview slot on the Today programme after two Muslim converts were found guilty of hacking a...
Jeremiah AdebolajoJeremiah Adebolajo is assuming that there is a war between Islam and the West, and that Muslims in the West are not on the side of the countries in which they live, but on the side of...
View ArticleNo controls on jihad murderer's movements or activities after his return from...
Of course. To put him under surveillance would have been "Islamophobic.""Could MI5 have prevented murder of Lee Rigby?," by Tom Whitehead for theTelegraph, December 19 (thanks to Inexion):MI5 was still...
View ArticleTop Saudi cleric refused entry into Britain a day before he was due on UK...
CONTROVERSIAL: Saudi Sunn imam Sheikh Adel al Kalbani reportedly thinks Shia Muslims are apostates [BBC]Sheikh Adel Al-Kalbani, a former senior imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, was prevented from...
View ArticlePakistani student forces woman with mental age of seven to have his baby - so...
A secret court heard that the 37-year-old, who has a reading age of seven, was slapped around the face by her mother to make her smile for her wedding photograph.The judge’s ruling, seen by The Mail on...
View ArticleActivist linked to Lee Rigby killer has passport confiscated: Leader of...
the head of an Islamic pressure group linked to one of Lee Rigby’s murderers has been stripped of his passport amid claims that he is involved in terrorism.Moazzam Begg, a former inmate of Guantanamo...
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