Shadrack Smith was buried at the Lychgate Lane cemetery after a traditional Romany funeral on Friday

A Romany Gypsy family face having to exhume the body of a recently-buried relative because of a row over grave plots at Burbage Cemetery.
Shadrack Smith was buried at the Lychgate Lane cemetery after a traditional Romany funeral on Friday .
His family brought three plots they picked which faced his home at Aston Firs – a tradition in Romany culture.
But since they purchased the plots the family of a Muslim man, who was already buried on the site, have objected to 89-year-old Mr Smith being buried next to him, despite the cemetery being billed as open to all faiths and denominations.
Tracey Smith, Shadrack’s daughter-in-law, said: “My mother-in-law chose the plot – she had her heart set on it.
“The grave was already being dug and bricked out when we had a call last Monday at 5.45pm from Julie Perrin at the parish council asking us if we could move plots.
“We said no – we bought the land and it was too late to find another plot.
“We have no issues with the Muslim family. I think they were under the impression it was a Muslim plot but it isn’t. But they should have tolerance to us.
“We bought the plots in good faith – no one said we couldn’t have them. We don’t want any of the bodies exhuming but it looks like that is what might happen.
“We feel hurt and humiliated. The whole family is heartbroken.”