Yet another convert to Islam gets the idea that his new religion commands him to commit mass murder. But authorities in Britain are not interested in that; nor do they think Abdullah Mahmood is a terrorist (whether or not his barber is a terrorist is another matter).
“Maureen Fawcett, defending, said: ‘He accepts the postings would have been grossly offensive and upsetting, but they were taken out of context.'”
The out-of-context excuse! We usually only see it in connection with Qur’an quotes that Muslims don’t want Infidels to quote. It’s unusual to see it in connection with threats to bomb a hospital. But you see, the poor fellow has been upset: “He had fallen out with his sister who works at the hospital.”
Ah, that explains it. What’s more, “he reverted to become a Muslim when he was released from prison in 2015 and he is more peaceful since then.”
“More peaceful,” but alas, not quite peaceful enough. Note also Fawcett’s word usage: “he reverted to become a Muslim.” Muslims like to say that converts are actually reverts, because Islamic theology holds that everyone was originally a Muslim, until he was corrupted by his parents and Infidel society. A hadith attributed to Muhammad has him saying: “No babe is born but upon Fitra. It is his parents who make him a Jew or a Christian or a Polytheist.” (Sahih Muslim 6426) Fitra is a natural, primordial inclination to worship Allah alone.
But Maureen Fawcett is probably not a Muslim herself. So why is she saying Abdullah Mahmood is a revert, instead of saying he is a convert? Because, of course, she wants to show respect to Muslims and not be “Islamophobic.” And as the circle of what is demanded in order to show respect to Muslims grows ever wider, the ground on which free people stand in Britain will grow ever smaller.
“‘Soldier of Allah’ jailed after making hospital bomb threat on Facebook,” by Jimmy Nsubuga,, October 13, 2017 (thanks to the Geller Report):
A man who said he would have bombed Trafford Centre managed to avoid a terrorism charge because of his Facebook settings.Leroy McCarthy, 22, who went by the name Abdullah Mahmood, made the comment to police officers after he was arrested for a series of previous offensive posts, including one where he spoke about bombing Furness General Hospital, in Cumbria.But McCarthy, who described himself as a ‘soldier of Allah’, was not charged with a terrorism offence because of his social media settings.Lee Dacre, prosecuting, told Furness Magistrate’s Court, on Monday: ‘He would have been here today on a terrorism charge but for the settings on his Facebook.‘It is a legal technicality.’He told his 340 online friends: ‘They wouldn’t be able to evacuate all of FGH’s (Furness General Hospital) patients in time before at least one of the three explosions.’McCarthy, from Hall Street, Barrow, who has 14 months left on licence after his release in June for assaulting his partner, also wrote: ‘14 months then it’s passport and off to join my people’s cause. I cannot wait to turn my back on the UK.’He had also mocked murdered soldier Lee Rigby, who he called a ‘white coward who invades countries and rapes people’, the court heard.He added: ‘A few months left and all my brothers are free. All them months of planning and it will be like a belated bonfire night for all those involved.’After he was arrested on a malicious communications charge on October 7, he told officers ‘if he was going to bomb somewhere it would be the Trafford Centre’, the court heard.Maureen Fawcett, defending, said: ‘He accepts the postings would have been grossly offensive and upsetting, but they were taken out of context.‘He had fallen out with his sister who works at the hospital.‘He has also never been abroad on a lads’ holiday and he wanted to leave the UK to get his life back on track.’‘He reverted to become a Muslim when he was released from prison in 2015 and he is more peaceful since then. He had taken about 20 Valium on the day he posted these.Other posts were described as anti-Semitic and homophobic.McCarthy was jailed for 18 weeks, ordered to pay £85 costs and a victim surcharge of £115.