- Hamid Bhatti, 24, allegedly had sex with a 15-year-old schoolgirl 14 times
- Teaching assistant said to have lavished her with love notes and jewellery
- Girl's mother found a note saying: 'You were amazing last night as always'
- Bhatti admits sleeping with the girl but denies knowing she was underage

On trial: Teaching assistant Hamid Bhatti (pictured leaving court) is accused of having a fling with a 15-year-old schoolgirl
A teaching assistant was caught having a fling with a 15-year-old schoolgirl after her mother found his love note saying, 'You were amazing last night as always', a court heard.
Hamid Bhatti, 24, allegedly slept with the pupil 14 times after grooming her while on a work placement at her school.
He lavished her with love notes and jewellery before having sex with her on his bedroom floor, jurors were told.
The girl, who was studying for her GCSEs, had developed a 'crush' on him and thought he was 'good looking' after spotting him in an art lesson, it was said.
They crossed paths between lessons at the school in Yeovil, Somerset, and swapped numbers via Facebook after she messaged him from a friend's account.
Concerns were raised when the girl was spotted blowing the maths assistant a kiss out of the classroom window - and he caught it and 'threw' it back, it was said.
When challenged, the two conspired together and claimed it was just a 'joke', denying there was anything untoward going on, Taunton Crown Court heard.
But they were already in a sexual relationship and over the next eight months, Bhatti allegedly slept with the girl - who he met when she was just 14 - at least 14 times, the court was told.
On one occasion, Bhatti slept with the girl - who was drunk after going to a party - on his bedroom floor while her teenage friend slept in his bed, prosecutors claim.
He also told her he loved her and gave her a necklace, money and a cushion with 'I love you' written on it, the court heard.
Bhatti and the girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, were questioned multiple times by police but she lied to stop him from getting into trouble, it was said.
The defendant, who has a thick black beard and long hair, denies five counts of sexual activity with a child at least 14 times between May 2014 and February 2015.
He also denies abducting a child after he allegedly ignored an order made by police banning him from having any contact with the girl.
Lee Bremridge, prosecuting, said: 'The Crown says that he knew full well how old the girl was.
'A sexual relationship between them started in May 2014 when he worked at the school and she was a pupil.
'That sexual relationship continued throughout later 2014 into 2015, which is why she was prepared to lie to the police and tell them that nothing happened when she was interviewed.
'It was because they were in a relationship together and she was protecting him.'
Concerns were first raised by a fellow teacher at the school after Bhatti, then 22, was seen escorting the girl to class and they blew each other a kiss, the court heard.
He was sacked from his job the following month, in June 2014, and social services got involved.
The girl and Bhatti, who got a new job in a restaurant, maintained that they had never slept together, with Bhatti claiming the girl was 'pestering' him.
But a jury was told on Monday that he initiated intimacy with the youngster after inviting her on a date while he was still employed by the school.
They kissed and cuddled and allegedly had sex for the first time later that week, in May 2014, after arranging to go on a second date.

Accused: Bhatti was arrested and charged with sex with a minor in June 2015, after the girl finally told police the 'whole truth'
The girl was questioned by police in July 2014 after she turned up at school with a 'black eye' and her mother was called in, the court heard.
But she was 'less than truthful' about what had happened and said she and Bhatti had not had sex, and that the black eye was from tripping over, it was said.
Mr Brembridge said: 'She said that although she had a crush on Hamid Bhatti and had stayed at his house, they never had sex.
'The girl was clearly protecting them because the two of them were having a sexual relationship and they didn't want anyone, particularly the police or her parents, to find out.'
In October 2014, the girl's mother called police after finding a handwritten note among her daughter's belongings.
Bhatti, who now lives in Rochdale, Yorkshire, allegedly wrote: 'Hey baby, I'm sorry I had to leave this morning for work. You were amazing last night as always.
'I hope you get this message and leave me a note. Plan to see you soon. I love you. P.s. don't forget to go to the doctors.'
The couple still denied they were having an affair, but the note prompted police to issue Bhatti with an anti-abduction notice, prohibiting him from contacting the child.
The court heard that the teacher ignored the warning and was finally caught out after the teenager went missing in February 2015.
Police went to Bhatti's house to enquire about the girl's whereabouts and he told them he had not seen or spoken to her for a long time.
Suspicious, they returned later that day and officers standing at the back of the property in Yeovil, Somerset, caught the teenager trying to flee.
Police discovered a used condom with the pupil's DNA on it in his bedroom.
Bhatti was arrested and charged with sex with a minor in June 2015, after the girl, who by that time had turned 16, finally told police the 'whole truth'.
He admits sleeping with the girl in February 2015 but denies knowing she was underage at the time.
The trial continues.