The 575 male inmates– about half of which are convicted criminals – are shunning fish and chips and shepherd’s pie and demanding a ‘culturally diverse’ menu reflecting their countries of origin.
Now inspectors at the Verne Immigration Removal Centre, in Portland, Dorset, which houses detainees from 84 countries, have agreed and are ordering a new ‘world menu’ be drawn up.
The inspectors have also called for a “cultural kitchen” to be installed so inmates can cook their own favourite dishes before being put on a plane home.
Menu cards must be printed in a range of languages and comment books put in the canteen.
Critics say the changes would take money from the over-stretched Prison Service budget. Jonathan Isaby, of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said:“Do the authorities really feel they can justify this?”
The Ministry of Justice said: “Centres are required to provide multi-choice menus to ensure all religious, cultural and medical needs are met."