Police in Winchester are hunting a vile sex beast described as ______ . Ill let you fill the blank in as im pretty sure you all know the pc term by now.
Only this time it wasnt a schoolgirl or lone female that was the target of this random rape jihad attack. The victim was a teenage boy riding his bike along a cycle path on the A272 Andover Road. Muslim sexual predators are the ultimate opportunist, in a matter of seconds they have spotted a weak target and pounce.
Teenage boy sexually assaulted on country path near Winchester
POLICE are hunting a pervert who sexually assaulted a teenage boy on a quiet country path near Winchester.
They today issued an e-fit image of the attacker who struck near Crawley.
The 16-year-old victim was cycling along the cycle path near to Warren Woods on the A272 Andover Road when he stopped to have a break.
The 16-year-old victim was cycling along the cycle path near to Warren Woods on the A272 Andover Road when he stopped to have a break.
He greeted another cyclist who approached him between 12.2o-12.40am Monday, June 29.
The cyclist then dismounted his bike and sexually assaulted the teenager.
The victim quickly stepped back and the offender rode off towards Stockbridge.

He was wearing a distinctive yellow top and green khaki shorts and carrying a large rucksack of dark colours.Share article
PC Glen Willis-Long said: “This is a rare occurrence that occurred in an area that is not that busy. The offender was riding a light coloured mountain bike and may have been seen by passing vehicles and people walking along the A272.
Anyone with any information is asked to contact PC Willis-Long at Andover police station by calling 101 and quoting 44150221109 or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, where information can be left anonymously.
The politically correct term 'Asian' is used by the leftist UK media as a way to cast suspicion on a wider group of people and take some of the negative attention away from the group usually responsible for committing the heinous acts. A perfect example would be the Muslim grooming gang epidemic which are constantly referred to by the press and authorities as 'Asian' grooming gangs. It isn't people from China, Japan or any Far Eastern Asian place. Nor is it Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists,Christians Etc....They are Muslims!!!! Please keep this in mind when seeing the term 'Asian' on any post